Monday, December 10, 2012

Baby love

Went for my monthly check up last Friday and then straight to look for a baby stroller.
Hubby was so excited to purchase his son an awesome ride just like his own.
So right there, no time wasted. Off we go to to BSC1 and Paradigm Mall.

Bugaboo it is for Andrew Jr. 
Guess what color we got for him?
Check out bugaboo strollers here

That very night, he started fixing the new stroller.
Oh-so-cute. Baby happily kicking while his daddy fix his awesome ride!
Boys in my life sama je, both excited, ceciwi and cute.

My family came over on Saturday.
yesterday we were out the whole day for baby shopping and Ikea Shopping.
It was fun. Hubby was so scared to carry Sofea Helena.
So what he did was pushed the stroller in Ikea.
At one point, there was a loud alarm sound, nobody was there with him.
Sofea got shocked and started crying.
So he picked her up and held her close in his arms to soothe her from crying out loud.
Then I saw him from afar holding baby Sophie in his arms. Awwww!
My heart melts! Love at first sight all over again.
Baby Sophie nampak so relax, happy and secure. 

And then again at home while everyone was having dinner.
Hubby had to babysit Lil Sophie. Sapa suruh habis makan awal.

Tido terus baby duduk atas dunlopillo best.
No need for bouncing net whatsoever.
This means good news right? Practice makes perfect!

Oh another thing!!!
Last night tengah baring-baring before we doze off, hubby said,
"B, Tak sabar nak tengok how our baby looks like.."
And then, my heart melts again.. 


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