Monday, December 31, 2012

Last day of 2012.

Bye Bye 2012,
welcoming 2013.

Sorry been quiet without any update or news.
I've been running here and there doing nothing. *errr...?*

Good news:

#1 Baby cot arrived on Christmas Day
#2 Exchanged Christmas presents with my hubby and the in-laws
#3 Started planning on the details of Baby Shower
#4 Invitation is ready and out
#5 Completed 80% of purchase in my baby essential list
#6 Started working on the baby room
#7 We are going green! 

Not so good news:

1# Hell-o Third Trimester
#2 Hell-o body aches and cramps
#3 Passed the 20s of pregnancy
#4 Belly is slowly showing, hence nothing to wear

Monday, December 24, 2012

Sick during pregnancy

It's been almost a week I've not been in the best of health.
Down with blocked nose, headache and sore throat.
The headache doesn't seem to go away.
Today is the worst. Too bad I didn't get the day off for Christmas eve.
Can't wait to leave the office and get back home.
Hopefully I'll be okay for Christmas tomorrow.
I just need a good nap.

Read somewhere that pregnant women's immune system runs at low speed.
The down side of this immune suppression is that my body can't fight off colds or flu as well as it normally does - making it extremely vulnerable to coming down with a stuffy or runny nose, a cough or a sore throat.

What I can do about colds and flu during pregnancy:
# Rest, and plenty of it
# Water, and plenty of it
# Orange juice or other juices with vitamin C

Hoping for a speedy recovery.
*sobs sobs*

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Photo Enthusiast!

Photography what?
Lately what I've been hearing from my hubby is nothing else than photography, camera stuff, etc.
This hobby wasn't a new thing for him but now it has become more than a hobby for him, it's his passion.
Being the good wife, of course I support him in every way.
Just like myself, he is creative in his own way.
He enjoys taking photos of lights and angles that he finds interesting.
His pictures says it all.
Each of his portraits tells you all about the subject.
From what you can see, he usually uses ordinary people and things for his subjects.
From his pictures, you can see that you don't have to travel far to find interesting subjects.
I am his biggest fan when it comes to creative shot and angles!
So proud and happy for him. 

Street Photography

Birds & Wildlife

This photo was featured in Small Camera Big Picture - Flickr Friday, Dec 7

Street Photography

Product Shoot

Fashion Shoot
By LemariMyra

Post Wedding Shoot

Travelling Photo Shoot

Specializing in wedding and portraiture, he is also into other assignments.
Drop him an inquiry at
You make meaningful memories, He'll capture beautiful images. 
Lets get creative and inspired.

All images taken from Izz Andrew Yaw Flickr Page

Monday, December 17, 2012

Oil Painting Class

3 -day weekend Oil Painting Class with my 2 Aunties.
Fun activity for fun people like us. 
It was actually my first art class apart from my primary school days.

Class #1:- 1 Dec 2012.
Introduction to sketching and base color.

We started off with sketching the shapes and then touch up on the lines.
Both my aunties took a simpler version of fruits. Sangat comel.
As usual, *tak fikir panjang, suka buat terror* I took the wrong one. 
I realized the flower is much more harder than it looks.
I regret choosing it in the first place but its too late to change.

Class #2:- 2 Dec 2012
Color on other details of the picture.
 I was so stressed out to see my coloring and at the end of my second class, I really feel like giving up.
I thought to myself, I should just stick to PIY. haha

 Class #3:- 16 Dec 2012
Touch up and detailing of the whole project.

After 3 classes, we are finally done with our 'masterpiece'.
Ahhh, feels good.We have so much more to learn and improve.
But for a first timer, it's not that bad kan?
We deserve a pat on the back! Yay.
Looking forward to more creative class in the future.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Can't Wait To Be Fit & Fabulous Again.

Today is the last day of my second trimester.
I seriously can't wait to be thin and active again.
I want my 2004/2006 body back.
I shall work hard to get back my confidence and body shape.
Getting a baby is not going to be an excuse for me.
This, I promise myself!


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A little something from our Honeymoon Trip.

Here's a little sneak peek of our April Honeymoon photos in Paris.
 Missing every moment of it. It was one of the best times in my life.
More pics to come. I promise.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Baby love

Went for my monthly check up last Friday and then straight to look for a baby stroller.
Hubby was so excited to purchase his son an awesome ride just like his own.
So right there, no time wasted. Off we go to to BSC1 and Paradigm Mall.

Bugaboo it is for Andrew Jr. 
Guess what color we got for him?
Check out bugaboo strollers here

That very night, he started fixing the new stroller.
Oh-so-cute. Baby happily kicking while his daddy fix his awesome ride!
Boys in my life sama je, both excited, ceciwi and cute.

My family came over on Saturday.
yesterday we were out the whole day for baby shopping and Ikea Shopping.
It was fun. Hubby was so scared to carry Sofea Helena.
So what he did was pushed the stroller in Ikea.
At one point, there was a loud alarm sound, nobody was there with him.
Sofea got shocked and started crying.
So he picked her up and held her close in his arms to soothe her from crying out loud.
Then I saw him from afar holding baby Sophie in his arms. Awwww!
My heart melts! Love at first sight all over again.
Baby Sophie nampak so relax, happy and secure. 

And then again at home while everyone was having dinner.
Hubby had to babysit Lil Sophie. Sapa suruh habis makan awal.

Tido terus baby duduk atas dunlopillo best.
No need for bouncing net whatsoever.
This means good news right? Practice makes perfect!

Oh another thing!!!
Last night tengah baring-baring before we doze off, hubby said,
"B, Tak sabar nak tengok how our baby looks like.."
And then, my heart melts again.. 


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Never trust anyone.

How ever polite or nice that person is, never trust 100%. 
They may look all nice and sweet but looks can be deceiving.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Pregnancy photo shoot

I would love to have pretty pregnancy photo shoot just like the celebrities. For keepsake! Not that I love how my body changes but just for memories. I really miss my body. Since I have a photo enthusiast hubby, this is what I want him to do before the lil' one pops out. :) *Berangan betul*

Oh Miranda Kerr, why are you so hot?

34 year old model, Marisa Miller 

Photos taken from Google images and Just Jared


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Prenatal Massage

Lately I've been having terrible cramping and back ache. Many say its normal to feel that way when you approach the end of your second trimester. The pain is just crazy. I think it's due to the long hours of sitting in front of the computer everyday at work and tends to be worse at the end of the day.  Then there's what's known as posterior pelvic pain, which you may feel deep inside your buttocks (on one side or both) or the back of the thighs.  I've been craving a good massage and I can't wait to try prenatal massage. This is what I got after doing some reading about prenatal massage. 

prenatal massage or pregnancy massage is the best treat that you could give to mothers. Pregnancy massage is usually a way to relax or relieve stress. Since mothers will carry their child in 9 months, they will encounter a lot of physical and emotional stress. Some physical pains include muscle spasm, swelling, lower-back pain, and fatigue. On the other hand, emotional stress includes mood swings, depression, irritability and other resentful behavior.

  • Reduce stress through relaxation
  • Reduction of stress on weight-bearing joints.
  • Assistance in pain relief for any sciatic pain that frequently arises during pregnancy
  • Reduce oedema in hands and feet
  • Medication free headache relief
  • Improved energy levels and reduced fatigue
  • Regulation of hormones – This massage has been said to help in the regulation of hormones during pregnancy. In researches done over the years, pregnancy massages also help improve cardiovascular health. When pregnancy massage is done to mothers, the result is reduced in stress hormones while serotonin and dopamine increases. This balance will lead to any birth complications or post-natal complication like underweight problems.
  • Reduce swelling – Swelling is experienced by almost all women who are pregnant. Swelling is the result of excessive fluid in our body specifically in the legs and ankles. By giving pregnancy massage, it will provide normal circulation in the blood vessels. This process will also reduce the fluids in the body and removes body waste.
  • Better sleep – Since the goal of pregnancy massage is to relieve stress, this also means that you will have a feeling of relaxation. In order to have an ample amount of sleep, you’ll have to be emotionally and physically relaxed. Pregnancy massage will calm down your nerves that will help you to have good rests.
  • Good posture – When pregnant, it’s hard to achieve good postures because of weight of a child inside your womb. Prenatal massage will help in easing tensions on your lower back that will help promote proper posture.