Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Years Down The Road

Lately I've been thinking about life a lot and how far I've come in life. It is easy to forget to stop and take a look around. Our world focuses so much on what we lack. Be it money, prestige, success, beauty etc. Let's us focus on how far we've come instead of how far we have to go.

Five years ago (2008 / 2009):

was in my second year uni doing Bachelor of Communications, away from my family, renting an apartment and staying all by myself enjoying every moment I get to myself in my own home. It was really good having a place of my own and getting things done without the help of anyone. No work, I got to laze around in my pajamas all day, sports bra + tights + Stacy Anderson or hula hoop workout anytime of day, staying up late to watch movie, cooking in the wee hours of the night or whenever I feel hungry, going down my apartment for grocery shopping, take outs, supper with friends at Pancake Parlour/ Flemington Kebabs/ Chappeli's. Life was great back then. I just need to worry about my uni life and passing all the papers. Never having to worry about my weight too. hehe At the end of 2009, my sis gave birth to her first baby called Wan Sara Qisya.

Three years ago (2010):

Had to go through a sad episode of my beloved grandma's passing. Was devastated I wasn't there to bid goodbye. I was in my final year, final semester. Daddy came over to my place for Australian Open and the next thing we know, we were already on our way home for a funeral. Flew back home but couldn't make it for the whole thing. That same year, I had to decide what to do with my life. To stay in Melbourne or to pack and go home to my family. Tried applying for a few jobs in Melbourne and dreading my time to go home for good. No luck, so I packed my bags and flew back to Malaysia. Got home, settled down for a bit before starting a job at a 'small fry' college. Was there for only 7 months before accepting another job offer in KL. Went for a family holiday in London before starting my new job.

Two years ago (2011) :
Had some drama along the way. It sure seems like that; without any drama, life is not complete. Believe it or not, there's a bright side to the drama in your life and if you're lucky enough, that drama can be a blessing in disguise. Got out from a stagnant relationship and God knows how relieved I was after getting out of it; as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. When Allah test you, It is never to destroy you, when He removes something in your possession, it is (only) in order to empty your hands for an even greater gift!  Sometimes the blessings are not in what God gives.. but in what he takes away. Blessing in disguise.
"It may be that you detest something which is good for you; and it may be you love something even though it is bad for you. Allah knows, and you do not know" Al-Baqarah 2/216) 
Weird but true enough, some time along the relationship, I caught myself secretly wishing for a partner with no siblings; preferably the only child. haha (You know what I mean if you've come across crazy siblings with difficult character and somewhat bitchy attitude). Oh beware what you wish for because you might get it. Yay. All drama aside, I started fresh in KL. Was happy with my new life and career. Leaving Penang was hard but it was for the best. Survived the year and got into a relationship with my bmff (best-male-friends-forever) / bffeuteot. We didn't realize the feeling we got for each other right until we view the complete situation. Alhamdulillah love works in mysterious ways. Ended the year with a great family reunion and some serious discussion.

A year ago (2012):
Started my 2012 with lots of fun travelling around. And then came the "Merisik" part where both our parents sat together to talk about the serious stuff and the future. Started planning a wedding with only less than 4 months of preparation. Got hitched with my best friend and had the time of our lives in Europe (Amsterdam, Paris and London) for our honeymoon. (You should never marry someone who is not your best friend. My husband has been my best friend for the past few years and still am up till this day. I am so thankful to share the same person for my life partner.) We both started our marriage journey by visiting new places, capturing memories, taking beautiful photos, trying new rides and adventures, indulging yummy food, doing some good shopping, visited the tower of love, travelling with trains, buses, ferry, bicycles and even tried some good herbs in Amsterdam. Oh the joy of newly weds. It was so fun. We enjoyed each and every day, just the two of us. Laughing, smiling, acting silly, being all mushy and romantic. haha Then back to reality, back to work. Middle of the year, we surprised our family with a big news which we ourselves couldn't believe it. No planning, just rezeki Allah. We were expecting our first baby. Pregnancy journey was okay but not so friendly towards me. Took some time off from work at the end of my second - third trimester. Traveled to a few places and made the best of my time off from work. (China, Bandung). Hubby's first raya with the family. Mid October, my sis gave birth to her second baby - Sofea Helena. Started preparing for a baby at home by getting all the necessities.

This year (2013):
A good start to my new year. Everything seems good. We welcomed our bundle of joy on the 9th of Feb, a day before Chinese New Year. Missed my first CNY with hubby and the in laws. Apart from that everything was good. Baby came a month earlier than expected. Although we did not expect his arrival to be that soon, we couldn't be happier to welcome him in this world. Everything was already prepared. Baby can't wait to make a debut. Now we have an addition to the family. A precious baby boy called Wan Izz Alexander Yaw. Spent my confinement days at my mom's place being all pampered. I was not allowed to walk so much or do anything. Felt like a Queen except with no chance of drinking iced water and not allowed to go out. I was told I needed the rest. Everything was brought to the room just like room service. Before leaving Penang, we had a small Akikah ceremony for our little boy. All bald and still cute. It was a simple one. Had some friends over all the way from KL. The end of confinement days means closer to the end of my maternity leave. In order to start working, I need to find someone to look after my baby. Extended my maternity leave for a bit before getting a helper around the house. Got a maid to look after my baby and to help me with the house chores. Lucky me for getting someone okay. So far so good. Let's hope it stays that way.

Hubby took me to Bangkok after my confinement days just to relax and do some shopping. It was good after everything. Finally some time for the two of us. Left our baby at home with my mom. A few weeks after, we went for another trip to China with my in-laws without the baby again. It was just a quick trip, so baby didn't tag along. It was so hard being away from my baby. 

Last year, I celebrated Raya with a husband and this year, I got to celebrate with a husband and a baby by my side. Alhamdulillah. Right after Raya, we flew to Australia for about 10 days. This time, we brought our baby along. We were in Melbourne for about 7 days and 3 days in Perth. It was a fun trip. Although it wasn't enough, it sure feels long enough with a baby. hehe

My baby is growing so fast, he'll be 8 month old this October. I am a proud mother and everyday I thank Allah for blessing me with a kind, caring husband and a well-behaved cute baby boy. It is definitely the kind of happiness anyone could ever ask for. Alex, if you happen to read this in the future, know that you bring so much happiness and we never stop praying for you. May Allah bless you and protect you. We wish nothing but Jannah for you.
p/s: Please stop growing up so fast.


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