Friday, August 30, 2013

My star is 6 month old

Hi Selamat Hari Raya to everyone. Hope it's not too late. Maaf Zahir Batin.

Sorry for not updating - been busy with things here and there + we just got back from Australia less than a week ago. Will update more about it in the upcoming post. Here's an update on my cute baby boy.

Izz Alexander is now 6 month old, going to be 7 month soon. How time flies. What does 6 month old means? It means getting ready to start weaning and boring blended baby food. No matter how contented breast-feeding or formula-feeding, there comes a time when milk alone is not enough to satisfy him. Mummy is all excited to start making and feeding baby Lex some yummy homemade food. Not only does it taste better, it's healthier and it's cheaper too. As a new mom, I prepared myself with a few baby food recipe books to guide me. Will share some recipes soon after I successfully try them out. 

To help me make awesome baby food,  we bought a cool baby blender / food maker called Beaba Babycook from Mothercare for RM699 with a free lunchbox from Gingersnaps. I love the multi-function system of steaming, blending, defrosting and reheating. It's so easy, all in one. 

22 August: Alex's 6 month old checkup with his pediatrician. 

Buckled up and ready to go to the hospital.

First jab: Left leg

Second jab: Right leg


Minutes after coming out from the doctor's room. Alex is all smiles. 
Ohh look how cute these two sweethearts of mine.

He is one strong happy baby. Mummy loves you so much. 

Since babyboy is such a good boy who behaves, grandpa decided to reward him with a new exciting toy that he tried in Australia. We couldn't find anywhere in store here in Malaysia. I had been cheated once after doing a money transaction from an online purchase for the item. I swear I was and still mad as hell. At one point, I gave up looking for it and couldn't be bothered but after looking at how my baby loves playing with it, it breaks my heart. So I decided to give another try. Called up Toys 'r Us hotline to find out about the item but they said they don't carry that item anymore. So bye bye Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo. 

A few days ago after walking around The Curve, we came across a similar toy which looks like the Jumperoo but from a different brand called Evenflo Exer Saucer. The price is about the same. As it is quite pricey, we wanted to do some review about the product before getting it. 

Then then the next day...

Made a promise that this is the last toy for Alex. Botak la mummy and daddy macam ni. 

Too busy with the toy and sound. 

The RM899 Evenflo Exer Saucer Jump and Learn Toy.

Hope it's worth it.


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