Life becomes like fame when you've got a baby. You break into songs giving him a bath and feeding him because you can't get enough of those smiles that come as your reward. You've also rewritten the lyrics to countless songs to include your baby's name. And your chicken dance? It kills every time.
2. So long clean, living room
There is no chance of having a Pinterest perfect home. They are taking over - it's the attach of the over sized brightly colored toys! Your former everything-in-its-place living room will probably never look the same, as you realize how handy it is to have a swing/bouncy seat or exersaucer close by. And you know what? It's a trade-off you won't mind.
3. You will gain a new appreciation for your genes
I find it amazing to look at a little person and see so much of hubby and myself from the physical likeness to personality traits.
4. You will covet a sensible car
Your idea of hot ride has definitely changed. While the idea of buying a minivan or wagon used to feel like something your parents would do, now you see how much baby stuff you need to schlep with you on trips.
5. You'll love hubby as "daddy"
You'll watch him in daddy mode -- singing lullabies, feeding, tickling and giving your baby a warm bath.
6. You will feel like a celeb stalked by reporters
Suddenly you're getting questions like pregnancy journey, labour experience, breastfeeding, sleep training, baby recipes etc. hehe (I'm sure all moms go through this..)
7. Your abs will never recover
Go ahead and do Pilates, do crunches until the cows come home, but your pre-baby abs have left the station. The more important thing is: you won't care much.
8. Your baby will shock you
You'll be surprised how a tiny baby could fart or burp so loudly.
9. Much Worries
No one really tells you that you start worrying when you first see that pink line on the pregnancy test.
10. Pure Joy
The feeling of pure joy when you see your child accomplish something. Even the smallest thing matters. Even through the challenges, there is much to be happy for. The smiles, the hugs, the hand holding, just being with each other, being family.
11. Mistakes Happen
You are never going to get it right. The best thing you can do is to acknowledge them, learn and move on.
12. You will gain and lose friends
You'll make friends with people you never thought you would be friends with. Momdom creates strange alliances. Sadly there's a corollary: be prepared for friendships to fall by the wayside after you have kids. You may no longer have the energy to make longstanding, if troubled relationship work.
13. Your relationship with the in-laws will change
Adding a baby to the mix has some quirky effects. If you and your in-laws have never seen eye-to-eye, you may be surprised to discover that a baby provides new common ground.
Friends will warn you, but you can't understand how difficult nursing can be until you've been through it yourself.
15. Nothing Matters
I was surprised at how I wasn't fazed at being puked, pooped or peed on.
16. Sweet surprises
When we asked real moms what surprised them most about parenting, we turned out to be the ones who were surprised. Everyone's heard about being overwhelmed with love or exhausted all the time, but there are so many other things big and small.
17. It's true what people say...
I had heard people say "You feel your child's pain" but I never really understood that until I had children myself. It's true, though - I'm physically in pain, I actually ache when my baby is hurting, whether its a physical or mental thing.
18. A kiss from your child can make anything better
Bad days can be healed with magic kisses. That is what really matters in life.
19. Guilty Feeling
No matter what you choose to do, - breastfeed or bottle feed, sleep train or not, go back to work or stay at home - you will feel guilty a lot of time. I've learned to accept my choices, be it right or wrong, they are the choices made for the good of my baby.
20. You wait for milestones
I never realized how much I'd enjoy every stage of their lives from when they were babies learning to crawl, spotting the first tooth - to toddlers beginning to talk etc.
21. You will check vanity at the door
If it will keep your baby happy and comfortable, you'll do it, no matter how foolish you look. That includes making monkey sounds, speaking in baby talk and tickling you baby's bum bum.
22. The mood of the day can change with the wind
Just because the day start with sunshine and smiles does not mean it will end the same. Suddenly the blue skies turn gray and the wrath of a toddler is unleashed. Just know that the tides does not define you. It is all about how you roll with the punches.
23. Tantrums are normal
The need of nap, the hungry child, the boring baby - there is absolutely no feasible reason for them to be upset. Keep your head high, control yourself and act cool. It happens to the best of us.
Who would have imagined that family night would suddenly become better than girls night? Motherhood has an odd way of changing up your priorities. Never let the judgement of others, especially those without children, make you feel bad for wanting to spend time with your family. Mothers know that family should always come first.
25. Now it all makes sense
Being a parent has made me understand so much about my own parents. I often find myself saying "My parents always told me..." And it can be anything from dealing with friends, to always trying my best, to eating my vegetables. Sometimes you even refer yourself as a third person. :)
26. The little things matter
A lifetime of little things mean so much more than a lifetime of luxuries.
27. You will be more appreciative
When you become a parent, you appreciate your parents more. You appreciate your spouse more, you appreciate yourself more. You appreciate the extra 10 minutes you get, any time of the day. You appreciate your sleep more, definitely.
28. You will be wiser
You will learn to pick your battles. You will learn to give up, and when not to. You will learn that love is deep. You will learn that fears abound in every corner and there is nothing you can do about it. You will learn that your heart is so much bigger than you thought possible. You will learn that you have it in you to fight for your children.
29.You will be humbled
Parenting is a truly humbling experience. I thought I knew it all, could do it all. I know now, that I don’t and I can’t, and it’s okay.
30. You will never find motherhood boring
You will discovery different things everyday. The good and the bad. So, give yourself a pat on your back. Self congratulatory about your awesome parenting is a must.
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