The wait is finally over after 35 weeks and 6 days.
Baby can't wait anymore.
On the 9th of February, a day before CNY, we welcome our baby boy into this world.
He was eager to make an appearance before the Dragon Year ends.
(Tak sabar nak kutip angpau lettew)
I went to the hospital for my monthly doctor's visit on Friday the 8th of Feb wanting to hear the good news "You're okay. You can come back in a month or call me when you approach your due date" but, no it doesn't go that way..The amniotic fluid or bag of water broke while waiting for my turn to see my Ob/Gyn.
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Muka sembab nak terberanak. haha Right on time masa my water bag broke. |
Wasn't sure about it at first but after doing trips to the ladies to make sure, yup its the real thing. No more little leakage and main-main. It was coming down literally like a pipe with warm water. Well, just great! That calls for a trip to the labour room once again. I managed to cut the long queue, maybe 10 or 12 people before me. Haha feels like a VIP right there. My ob/gyn Dato' Dr Siti Zaleha did a final check up. Too scared so I kept asking questions and wanting to know whether its the real deal. And yes, it is time for me to shine. Hello contractions and pain!
"Your water bag dah pecah, I will send you straight to the labour room okay my dear.."
Those words were vivid in my mind. Then one of the nurse came in with a wheelchair asking me to sit. I though to myself, wheelchair again? Dengan memalukan sekali, masuk bilik doctor ok je tapi bila keluar kena naik wheelchair pulak. Everyone was looking, dah la cut the queue pastu dapat special treatment. How unfair.Well, it looks like a royal treatment but it wasn't the best time after all. I was brought straight to the labour unit. Every step closer jantung dup dap dup dap. My heart was beating realllllll fast. Don't know what to expect. (Macam la baby keluar terus after air habis, not that easy girl! silly me. oops!). Hubby had to leave for registration and get my stuff from the car while I happily settled in my new room and started calling my family members. (After the false alarm 3/2/13, we brought the hospital bag everywhere we go. Ready in the car). Hubs bought me Mushroom Soup from Dome coz I didn't want anything heavy. I thought it was my last meal before I deliver but nope, baby doesn't want to make an appearance just yet.
So I waited
And waited.
No signs of heavy contractions.
15 minutes to one I would say?
So I took naps on and off. Nobody was allowed in the labour room except hubby.
We waited patiently in the cold room.
4:27pm - Hubby was all ready in his cocoon.
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All wrapped up in his cocoon. cuteness. |
There wasn't any extra bed for him. The chair was too hard so he got himself a sleeping bag. (Too cold and backache from the previous hospital visit). So we waited and waited but no sign of labour yet. I was in and out of the toilet because it was uncomfortably wet. Even had to changed a few sheet covers (the blue ones).
Since not much progress, they asked me to eat because I will need all the energy I could get to push.
Insipid hospital food (Tengok terus rasa tak lapar)
Then after a while they gave me enema to 'kosongkan' everything inside in case the baby decided to pop out soon. Haha really weird feeling. I was told to hold it in for at least 5 minutes but it was crazy impossible.
Nope no happy news yet
Even at 10pm, the progress was still
very slow. So they told me to get something to eat. FiL bought me a cup of
McD porridge. I have people waiting for me in the waiting room.(Hubby's
parents, cousin and a few friends). It was like waiting for a party to start.
So many people around waiting to hear the happy news. There was so much anticipation the baby coming out to the world. They were there
until 11pm. Everyone was dying to meet him. There wasn't any luck because my
progress was still very slow. So they left assuming that they can make it in
time for tomorrow. hehe After a long emergency case, my gynae came over to
check at 11.30pm. Since my progress was really slow, she asked me whether I
wanted to speed up my labour. I couldn't wait any longer so I opt to
induce. Soon after that, I was given pitocin to induce the labour.
Pitocin is a liquid
medication which is a synthetic form of the naturally occurring hormone,
oxytocin. Pitocin is diluted with a standard saline solution an introduced into
your body by IV drip.
I was told the progress could take up about 6 to 7 hours but within 10 minutes after inserting the drip, I started having stronger and stronger contractions. The next time they checked how far I've dilated, it was already 7cm. I decided to take the painkiller shot but it doesn't help a tad bit. The pain had become very very very very very strong. Hubby was by my side the whole time holding me and whispering everything will be okay and started counting my contractions time. At first it was once every 5 minutes and then once every minute. The painkiller only works after half an hour. It only made me sleepy. By 7cm dilated, I was so drowsy. 5 minutes contractions felt like 20 minutes and 5 minutes of rest felt like a minute. It was crazy. I was in excruciating pain and I just couldn't wait to push. A minute feels like forever. I was told not to push yet because the doctor is on her way to the hospital.
I couldn't talk and couldn't open my eyes let alone concentrate what hubby was saying. I just closed my eyes and pray. Pray that everything will be okay while reciting a few doas over and over. By the time I was 9cm dilated, I told them I couldn't hold it in much longer and the urge to push was so strong. Everything was very fast after that. When I started getting into 10cm, everything was getting chaotic. They prep for labour and got my legs up into position while waiting for my gynae to arrive. I closed my eyes to distract myself from all the busy nurses, the environment and the pain. "Sayang, tahan sikit lagi ok, doctor dah sampai & tengah jalan from car park", he told me. By the time she came into the room, I was ready to push. Hubby kept reminding me not to lift up my buttocks takut terkoyak. I held his hand close and when it was time to push, I switched to the bedside handrail. After prepping, my doctor came in and told me to relax and push whenever I feel the contractions coming..
First try:
"Okay, ready, push...
Second try:
Tarik nafas, one, two, pushhh
Third try:
Okay stop stop pushing, sedut gas tu kalau sakit.
(She performed some quick procedure)
Forth try:
You are doing so good,
I can see the baby's head, okay now give me one hard and long push."
The labour pain of pushing was nothing like the contractions, after my long last push, it felt so good. We welcome our baby boy at 1.06 a.m. weighing in at 2.66kg. Such a big relief. I didn't know what was happening. Hubby left my side to cut the umbilical cord. A few minutes after, I can hear the baby screaming. He held the baby and performed the Azan & Iqamah. I was really tired by then I couldn't open my eyes. Feeling so high on the drug they gave me, my baby was then given to me wrapped in a pink towel. I got the sense of emotional. I was so excited to meet him for the first time. The pain was no longer there, all of a sudden I can't remember the pain I went thru; the 8 months of somewhat difficult pregnancy, the cold sweat, the contractions, all the pushing and the labour pain when I finally held my precious blessing from Allah. Ahh just like a new gift, I was eager to take my first peek at him. At that very moment, I fell in love and all I could think of was what a blessing from God. A truly wonderful gift someone could ever hoped for. I looked at his innocent face and kissed him all over. It was love at first sight. Never knew a newborn would smell so good.
Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W., "Bau bayi itu (berasal) dari bau Syurga".
If you ask me, I would do it all over again. It's beautiful.
8+ months of pregnancy, the extra weight, the preggo hormones, moodswings, bloating, hot flushes, the aches, the throwing ups, body changes, stretch marks & cellulite, edema (swelling feet), braxton hicks, the monthly check ups, tests and procedure to check for healthy baby, the crazy amount of vitamins, contractions, injections, drugs, labour pain and last but not least, the stitching up. It was all worth it in the end. Anything for you my baby.
No wonder they say:
"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path."
Only God knows the pain of bringing a new life into this world.
Betapa besarnya pengorbanan ibu. Thank you so much Mak. Only Allah can repay you.
My Mom has taught me lots of things, so many that I can't possibly name them all.
She has been a wonderful inspiration to me and has taught me what it means to be a Mother.
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