Thursday, November 1, 2012

Gender Myths

While we know none of these gender predictions tests are scientifically true, they can be fun. And of course they are 50/50 chance of being right. Why not give it a try.

The following is taken from an article found here

However, there are many old wives tales that claim to allow a woman to know if she is carrying a boy or a girl; And sometimes, a woman's intuition is enough to know which gender she is carrying. Here are some gender prediction wives tales.

Gender prediction based on how you carry

  • If you are carrying your baby high, it's supposed to be a girl while low means a boy.
  • If the weight is all out front, you are supposedly carrying a boy while if you have weight distributed to the sides and hips it's a girl. 

Gender prediction based on Mom's appearance

  • If your face is round and full, you're expecting a girl.
  • When you have breakouts or more trouble with acne, you're pregnant with a girl.
  • If you look prettier while pregnant, it's a boy. The theory is a daughter will steal your looks!
  • If your right breast is larger, you're going to have a boy. If the left one is bigger, it's a girl. 

Gender prediction during pregnancy

  • Lots of morning sickness? Blame a daughter.
  • Craving sweets? Again, it's a girl. Sour or salty? It's a son.
  • Is the daddy gaining weight too? Then you're pregnant with a boy.
  • Are you sleeping on your left side more than your right? You are expecting a boy.
  • Are you dreaming of cigars, trucks, snakes, anything masculine or shaped like a penis? That means a boy. Dreaming of keyholes, fish, kitchen things, or beauty items means a girl.
  • Are you especially moody? You are pregnant with a daughter.
  • Cool and calm, you are expecting a son.
  • Are you tripping all over yourself and dropping things constantly? This means you're having a boy while being smooth and graceful means a girl is on the way.
  • Soft hands means a girl, while dry skin on your hands means you're pregnant with a boy.
  • Who is less stressed in the pregnancy? Whoever is cooler determines the sex. If dad is chill, you are expecting a son. If mom is the cool cucumber, a daughter is on the way.
  • Baby's heartbeat faster than 140 beats a minute supposedly means it's a girl while under 130 beats a minute is supposed to mean it's a boy. Between 130 and 140? Anyone's guess!

1 comment:

Butterfly Kisses said...

OMG! You're having a boy, love!