I've had a problem on the right side of my eye since a few months back. It's called Stye or "Ketumbit" in Malay. hehe It never happened before because usualy these things will go off on its own after sometime. But in this case, the stye didn't wanna leave and insisted to stay there. Sebulan okay, dua bulan okay, 3rd month memang over la kan. Cannot tahan. I went to see a few doctors to ask whether they have any medication to remove the thing but nothing worked. I also tried a few home remedies to soothe the bulge but in the end there wasn't any difference. So, as 'the day' is approaching closer and closer, I got so worried what if the stye didn't go away on time. It will look weird and people will be staring at my right eye. Trust me, it happens all the time. To tell you the truth, I even felt so weird and shy to meet people because of my cute 'ketumbit' in my eye. My confidence level went down to 30/100 percent. It felt like my whole world is crumbling down and no hope was left. I was desperately trying to find a way to get rid of it but failed in every attempt. So, last resort was to see an eye specialist. B insisted that I pay a visit to The Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital (THONEH). You know, just to say hello to the doctor. Haha It ain't cool yo. And believe me when I say this, my first visit was bad. Registered - waited for my number to be called and then there I was in the room for the first check up, looking into the eye microscope machine. There was a trainee doctor there, a nurse and 2 interns taking notes beside me. Lagi la takut kan. Doc kata, ok, just a small bulge. "We will put a few drops to see how it looks like." Then the next thing I remember, my eye lid was turned inside out and the doctor was touching my stye. She said I have to wait for their senior doctor which is called Dr. Azhar to come back from a meeting. After everything, she gave me an ointment and asked me to apply twice a day and put a hot towel on my right eye every night for a week. If it doesn't go away in a week, I will have to come back for a follow-up.
A week, and nothing's changed. Same thing, the stye reduce by 0.02% but it was still there standing strong just like the statue of liberty. haha. So I payed my second visit to THONEH for a second consultation with Dr. Azhar. He examined me and asked me to go in straight for surgery to remove the stye. According to him, it's just half-an-hour surgery and its painless. Sounds good to me at that time. So I said yes, proceeded with the surgery thinking that it won't hurt or maybe just a little. While waiting for the surgery, ada gak la nervous sampai nak terberry and all. I was the second in line after a 12 yr old girl. My oh my, I was nervous as hell and the only thing I could think of is to run, get in the car and drive home. I tell you, the girl was shouting and screaming like a mad fellow, bising satu hospital tu. Macam kena rasuk or something. So I told B, lets just ditch this surgery and go home.. He ignored me and continued playing with his camera. So ceciwi of him. After I heard the loud scream, untuk sedapkan hati, I told myself, maybe tu suara orang lain kot.. Jangan takut la. Its nothing." Then tiba-tiba je Mr. Andrew buat rajin and check the next door to see if ada budak menangis, pastu dia kata. No B, its the girl's voice. Bukan orang lain. At that time, memang macam nak nervous breakdown. I was so scared I could pee in my pants. Then memang cun la, right timing the nurse called me in. I showered her with never ending questions - "why is the girl crying so loud? sakit ke kak? sakit mcm mana?...etc" She replied: "Tak sakit, budak tu kecik lagi. Dia takut sebab tu dia nangis".. yeah right. Bullshit!
So she asked me to lie on the bed, look up and relax my eyes. I was trying so hard to relax my eyes but I failed. My eyes was like so hyperactive, looking here and there. I can see everything in the surgery room from towels, scalpels, cotton buds, gloves, needles and so much more. Just name it.. So, 5 minutes of lying on the bed in the middle of the room, then the doctor came in looking so happy. "How are you feeling?". I started asking the same question that I asked the nurse. "Sakit ke? Why was the girl shouting?" then the doctor replied, "ohh budak kecil tu takut. before naik katil dah nangis. Tak sakit pun. You won't even feel it."
There, another lie. They prep me for the surgery and asked me to relax before giving me a jab. Katanya just one jab tapi I got it twice. First jab, sakit 90%, second jab sakit 130%. Pastu not just that, they said I should open my eyes and relax but the problem is, I couldn't open my eyes caused of the light glaring. So they got me something to open my eye. It was something like the one in final destination movie, the metal thingy.. Pergh, memang sakit la. I can feel the metal thing inside of my eye and it was so painful regardless of the ubat bius they injected twice tu. Scary but true.
Pain during the jabs, pain after putting the metal thing, pain during the bursting, pain during the squashing and picit-ing and last but not least, pain after the surgery which is the cleaning up part. Overall it was pain pain pain all the way. All the time during the surgery, my lips was murmuring of duas. I was crazy scared and the only thing I could think of was to get it over and done with. My head playing the - "I seriously can't wait for the overall process to complete" sentence over and over. Alhamdulillah everything went well despite of the pain. I am now a stronger person until my cat scratched my right palm until it bleeds like no one's biz coz it was too deep. Okay goodbye for now and Enjoy the pics.

1 comment:
Good sharing, today, Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital (THONEH) has the equipment to perform the non-invasive procedure to treat the condition. “The Ultra Q multi-modality YAG Laser we acquired offers greater accuracy and control than traditional YAG Lasers, allowing us to perform better treatment, read more at:
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