I have this list of things to do / to try before I die since forever and I never actually bothered about looking at them or even tick it off. I do carry my small happiness notebook all the time in my handbag but not the bucket list. I should act on it too. Do you know why it's good to create your own bucket list? It's good because If you don’t live your days by personal goals and plans, chances are you spend most of your time caught up in a flurry of a day-to-day activities. Do you stop and ponder your everyday life? The days passing so fast and what have you achieved for your personal satisfaction besides the daily routine of work-home-sleep? What have you got for yourself apart from the normal routine? Lets say, ermm your upcoming goals for the next 3 months? Look at the things you did and the things you’re planning to do next – Do they mean anything to you if you are to die today? Having a bucket list reminds you of what’s really important so you can act on them. It’s just like planning ahead all the highlights you want for YOUR whole life. Even though goal setting is already my staple activity, I still found many new things to do while I was writing on my bucket list. It’s a reminder of all the things we want to achieve in our time here, so that instead of pandering our time in pointless activities, we are directing it fully toward what matters to us.

1. Complete a scrapbook.
2. Attend a baking class.
3. Enter a competition. - done.
4. Learn to speak foreign language & make sure I use it.
5. Declutter my room.
6. Watch a sunrise & sunset.
7. Organize a family day. - done.
8. Ride a superbike with style.
9. Volunteer in a charity drive. - done.
10. Bungee Jump (don't think I have the guts)
11. Go backpacking. - sort off done.
12. Throw a mega party and invite everyone over.
13. Have a portrait painted.
14. Skydiving (don't dare & don't think I'll do it)
15. Swim with the dolphins (scared of deep sea)
16. Spend the whole day eating junk food without feeling guilty. - done.
17. Own a room with a view.
18. Learn to take a compliment.
19. Give my mother a dozen of red roses and tell her I love her.
20. Send a message in a bottle.
21. Ride a camel in the desert - done.
22. Be the boss.
23. Film a clip of my everyday life.
24. Produced a video of my own.
25. Fall deeply in love - helplessly and unconditionally. - everyday.
26. Start a fresh book of happiness.
27. Plan my dream store.
28. Go Disneyland . - done.
29. Ask for a raise.
30. Learn to play a musical instrument with some degree of skill.
31. Sing a great song in front of an audience.
32. Fit in fitness.
33. Tame the bulge (still working on this)
34. Buy a bicycle.
35. Go for a pretty formal photoshoot (semi formal - done.)
36. Write a story of my life.
37. Go to a snowy country - done.
38. Watch a theatre - done.
39. Attend a concert - done.
40. Ride a trishaw. - done.
41. Ride the gondola in Venice.
42. Carve my name onto a tree.
43. Make a complete and utterly fool of myself.
44. Drive a luxury sports car. - done.
45. Have breakfast at Tiffany.
46. Run in a marathon.
47. Visit a volcano. - done.
48. Save a life. - done.
49. Umrah. - done.
50. Get featured in a newspaper/ on TV/ radio or magazine. - semi done.
51. Own a very expensive but absolutely wonderful business suit.
51. Sleep under the stars.
52. Get passionate about a cause and spend time helping it, instead of just thinking about it. - done but looking for more.
53. Find a job I love.
54. Buy my own house and then spend time making it into exactly what I want.
55. Grow a pretty garden. - died. :(
56. Own a house with large backyard for the kids to play.
57. Spend 3 months getting my body into optimum shape. - working on it now.
58. Drive a convertible with the top down and music blaring. -
59. Accept myself for who I am. - in process.
60. Attend a huge rock concert. - done.
61. Go up on a hot-air balloon.
62. Scuba dive.
63. Learn to use a microphone and give a speech in public. - semi done.
64. Lose money in gambling (roulette, pokies machine/poker). - done.
65. Fart in a crowded place and then be invisible. haha
66. Create my own website.
67. Visit the Holy Land to perform Hajj.
68. Buy myself a nice set of jewelry.
69. Get myself a huge diamond ring. -
semi done.- hubby got it for me.
70. Make a hole-in-one (mini golf). - done.
71. Go fishing and eat the fish that I caught. - done.
72. Create a family tree complete with pics.
73. Give to a charity - anonymously.
74. Start a blog. - done.
75. Look into my child's eyes, see myself and smile.
76. Reflect on my greatest weakness and realize how it is my greatest strength. - done.
77. Make my own walk-in-wardrobe with plenty pretty shoes, clothes, accessories and handbags
78. Learn to play at least one full song. - done.
79. Go on a holiday with no luggage.
80. Meditate for 3 hours in one sitting.
81. Horse riding on the beach. - done.
82. Cook something that I grown.
83. Go to Ibiza.
84. Go surfing. - done.
85. Snowboarding / ski. - ski done.
86. View a house I can't afford.- done.
87. Go on a cruise ship.
88. Built something that will outlast.
89. Cut my own hair.
90. Make a snowman.
91. Leave a love note on a windscreen.
92. Built a giant sandcastle.
93. Send flowers for no apparent reason at all.
94. Bake a cake for someone special. - done.
95. Take a day off on my birthday. - done.
96. Take evening classes. - done.
97. Keep a diary for a whole year. - trying.
98. Write a letter to my future generation.
99. Google myself. - done.
100. Take a vow of silence (a day with myself)
101. Test drive a car I can't afford.
102. Take up a new sport.
And the list goes on...