Everyone was so busy clearing off their to-do list of 2011. So I go through mine to see what I can complete before the new year arrives. There were so many things, I don't know where to start. Been scouting for cute cats to accompany me here alone in the big house but the price is crazy! RM2.5k for a kitten and the cheapest I can find is rm999 which is still pricey. I didn't want to get from Mom because all her cats are adults. Takleh la manja2. Oh btw, I always wanted to save a life in general but I figured, why not I do something good like adopting. So on the 9th of December, we paid a visit to SPCA Ampang just to look around. There were so many cats waiting to find a new home. Well, the place is not that pleasant. Looking at all the poor cats there made me realize that people here don't really adopt animals at animal shelter. They prefer to buy instead. So, as usual being me who loves animal couldn't bare my eyes looking at all the adorable cats meow-ing. It's like they're shouting "Take me home, help me, feed me, love me." And as usual, knowing Bee - an animal lover too; we decided to adopt a grey kitten of mixed breed. She was too cute calling us and putting her hand out to touch us. (Yeah so clever of her, tricking us into the trap) and the next thing we know, Mr Bee is already signing the papers to take her home. Oh what a lucky cat. Now I'm not lonely anymore at home. Yay!
Say hello to Kiki!

A few days after we adopted her, she went missing for more than 6 hours exploring her way around Maplewoods. She squeezed herself out from the back grill door which is quite slim. Mom was so confident saying that Kiki couldn't fit into the grill so she opened the cage and let Kiki mingle around behind at the laundry place. Knowing the mastermind; somehow she did squeezed herself out and we thought we won't see her again after a few hours of hunting for Kiki. Few hours later, one of the guards saw her and kept her in a box in the guard house. On the way out from my place, Mom stopped at the guard house to check and there she was sitting in the box feeling exhausted. Poor Kiki. So, Mr Bee went over to get her and take her home! Look at how innocent she can be. Drama sungguh.
(muka buat sedih & tak bersalah. Just like puss in boots! silap2 boleh terpedaya.)

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