27 Ways to get more shit done.
1. Create routines. Make a habit of, well, sticking to habits. Choose actions like writing emails at a certain time or hitting the gym after work, and try to do them daily. Soon that routine will happen on autopilot.
2. Get enough sleep. Not getting enough Zzz's could hinder productivity at work, so try to get those recommended seven to nine hours of snooze time!
3. Wake up earlier. If still able to squeeze in enough sleep, try extending the day by getting up an hour earlier — when it’s still quiet and there are fewer distractions.
4. Step away from the inbox. Incoming emails can be a nuisance. Make a habit to only check the inbox at certain times of the day to avoid getting sidetracked with requests and responses.
5. Make a daily to-do list. Stay away from huge to-do lists. Instead, create a daily list of realistic jobs to tackle, like folding laundry, scheduling a doctor’s appointment, or paying the cable bill. Break up big goals into micro-tasks, like going to a yoga class over getting six-pack abs, or writing a page over completing a thesis. Soon, the small things will add up to big accomplishments.
6. Make a to-don’t list: Bad habits are just as significant as good ones. So make a list of things not to do because they make you unproductive. (We’re staring at you,Netflix.)
7. Don’t multitask. Our brains aren't wired to juggle too much at once, and we can work nearly twice as fast if we do one thing at a time. (And nope, we’re not talking LOST time-travel.). So remember those childhood manners and finish tasks one at a time.
8. Silence the phone. When it comes to getting stuff done, sometimes silence is key. Turn off the cell phone ringer.
9. Take a midday workout break. Can’t fathom cleaning the bathroom? Or having writers’ block? Working out during the day could actually boost productivity, so the time spent exercising could actually help us get more done later.
10. Stay healthy. Just like… don’t get sick. (It may be easier said than done.) But health and productivity go hand in hand, so be sure to maintain good health habits, like washing up after hitting the gym!
11. Do those MITs. Nope, this isn’t college talk. MIT stands for most important tasks, and it’s a way to highlight the items that matter most on that to-do list. At the start of each day, write down a few things that must get done.
12. Hit inbox zero. Sort every email once that inbox is open. Respond, file, draft, or delete. Keeping the inbox clean is key to staying organized and on point.
13. Brainstorm. Take some time to sit and get those creative juices flowing. Without distractions, brainstorming may be the way to come up with killer ideas in record time.
14. Keep a pen and pad on hand. Get really creative and go DIY style.
15. Shut off social media. Sayonara, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Social media can be a huge time-suck. Studies have found that it can take up a significant chunk of time at the office.
16. “Eat the frogs.” We swear it’s a real term. Do the task you’re least looking forward to first to get it out of the way. (No guarantees Prince Charming will emerge.)
17. Slow down. Read. This. Slowly. Getting stuff done isn’t always a matter of making it to the finish line first. Take time to reflect, brainstorm, and recharge.
18. Track time. Take a day to record how much time is spent writing emails, reading blogs, texting, etc. We may be surprised at how much time certain activities (ahem, browsing Pinterest) take up every day.
19. Don’t bounce around. Box off a specific amount of time for every task. Assign a chunk of the day for one project, and once that time is up, move on to the next mission.
20. Look back. Schedule some time every week to see what was accomplished and if that schedule needs tweaking for the following week.
21. Tune out. Those headphones will help tune out any distractions. Plus, others may be less likely to interrupt if they see we’re plugged in.
22. Set triggers. Leave reminders around to help remember what needs to get done. Place bills that need to be paid or books to be read out in the open. Stick reminders on the fridge!
23. Eat well. What we scarf down for lunch may do more than satisfy hunger. Certain foods, like salmon, almonds, and carrots, can give us a much-needed boost of energy. So forgo the take-out and be picky at the cafeteria!
24. De-clutter. Get rid of anything in the way that may cause distractions. Put away the dishes, fold clothes, and get rid of excess papers on the desk.
25. Say no. Don’t stretch yourself too thin — learning to say no keeps us focused and may even ward off sickness.

27. Download help. Still need to get sh!t done? Luckily, there’s an app for that.
28. Use the recycling bin / trash basket. Organizing unnecessary items in wasted energy. It is amazing how much more in control I feel just by ridding myself of now outdates aritcles I'd like to read "someday".
29. Put it away now. The single, simplest thing I do to stay personally organized is to put whatever tool, item, clothing, bag, hairbrush etc away immediately after using it. You could save so much time when everything and anything is at the right place. Very efficient.
30. Divide material into red, yellow, blue and green plastic file folders. For example, anything that has to be done today (paperwork, bills, receipts) go in the red folder. contact material or anything related to customer field support goes in the yellow folder. You may also have project-specific manila file folders as well. But dividing stuff up into just four color coded folders is a huge help.
31. Get a good planner. The step up from the calendar is the handheld planner; an ultra organized list of daily activities. Although the thought of a planner may seem silly, it is consistently used by organized people. Whenever you create plans for an event, are assigned a project for work or need to keep track of tasks and errands, mark them in your planner.
Try color-coding your planner to organize it even further.
Carry your planner with you everywhere. it does you no good to have a planner but
then leave it at home or lying under a pile of things. In order to stay organized, keep
it in your purse, car, on your desk, somewhere that you will remember to grab it!