I've been wanting to update but time doesn't permit. There's so much to do in the office as well as at home. Workloads and stay-backs for projects has taken its toll on me. Plus, I have enrolled myself in my third French class. Hopefully this time works. hehe Ok, recently I made a daily schedule / planner that I been procrastinating since forever and thank god now its on my fridge door. Although it has been there since early last week, I still can't follow the list as the workload is shitty crazy and the weather is always wet. Well, out of 5 days, I only managed to get 2 days to follow my routine. That's just how crazy my life is. So much of preparing a schedule aight? hehe. But the thing I like most about it is the how the schedule look like. I made it so colorful by coloring between the lines; just like the primary school days. I was so excited to color as I bought a new set of 48 color pencils while browsing at the stationary section at Borders last week. (I can be childish at times but wth it's fun). Recently, I also started a new routine of swimming and so far, I find it quite enjoyable. Although the last time I went swimming was maybe 8 years back, but I still find it exciting and challenging to do laps.
Oh btw, my art room in maybe 65% done. It's not that awesome but 'boleh tahan' la. I think it's a good start. I'm gonna design the room and make it as cozy as possible. Some wall deco, carpet, cushion and throw rugs would be good. Pics will be uploaded soon. Tatas!