1. Talking on the phone for hours & actually falling asleep. 
2. Sleeping especially on a rainy day.
3. Spending time with my parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, aunties and friends.
4. Horror movies although I would close my eyes and ears most of the time.
5. Reading old messages from my loved ones. Brings back memories.
6. Talking non-stop, chatting and laughing all the time.
7. Lazying around in my pyjama. 
8. Making plans.
9. Wasting time doing nothing.
10. Playing peek-a-boo with my cat.
11. Cooking & Baking.
12. Shopping for hours non-stop.
13. Traveling. 
14. Having a cup of hot coffee with biscuit or bread.
15. Animals especially cats. They are just adorable.
16. The smell of baked cookies & cakes.
17. Playing Tennis.
18. Daydreaming. Yeah, I daydream alot. 
19. Long hot bath.. soothing!
20. Swimming. Cooling!
21. Singing my lungs out.
22. Attention from my loved ones.
23. Being Pampered.
24. Diamonds & Bling-blings. 
25. Vanilla ice-cream and vanilla frappucino.
26. Cycling.
27. Artsy fartsy & Retro.
28. Fast Cars. 
29. Handbags, Clutch, Oversized Sunnies, Leggings, Jeans, Skirts, Shoes and Clothing.
30. Beautiful Bedsheets & Quilt covers.
31. Cosmetics and whatnot.
32. Photography & Beautiful Pictures. 
33. Hair treatment & care.
34. Perfume.
35. Flowers - Roses and Daisies.
36. Healthy Lifestyle. Exercising
37. Anything Romantic. 
38. Dessert - ice creams, cakes, puddings, chocolates & candy.
39. Music - Relaxing / Indie/ Rock/ Oldies.
40. Strolling along the beach. Breathtaking!
41. Fashion in and out. 
42. Fitness - Aerobics, Yoga, Dancing, Hula Hooping, Mat workout.
43. Morning Walk.
44. Cold hard cash 
45. Home-made cheese & chocolate cake! (Mom's, the best.)
46. Karaoke with friends.
47. Bowling although I suck. 
48. Tennis tournaments.
49. Pool Game.
50. Poetry & Quotes. 
51. Outing.
52. Pretty Jackets & Comfy Boots.
53. Going to the movies.
54. Looking back at old photos & reminiscing the good times. Memories!
55. Sticky-pix. Monthly fix with the bf.
56. Driving alone with full-blast music.
57. Dressing up. 
58. Partying and planning for parties.
59. Drawing and sketching when I can’t sleep or when I’m stress.
60. Listening to ‘Surah-surah Al-Quran’ by Imam Sudais’.
61. Watching TV and DVD for hours.
62. Giving all sorts of names to my cats. 
63. Window shopping although I have no intention in buying anything.
64. Sports.
65. Interior Design. 
66. Family Day!
67. Vacations with friends.
68. Writing journals and diaries.
69. Road Trips. 
70. Spa. Relaxing!
71. Nasi Kandar. =P
73. Live bands.
74. Reading the Holy Quran. Easeful!
75. SMS-ing all the time. 
76. Handphones and PDA-s.
77. Trying new things.
78. Shopping for grocery alone / with my parents. I lykee.. 
79. Earings, Necklaces, Bracelets.
80. Going to the library. Peaceful!
81. Family Picnics / Gathering.
82. Raya Celebration.
83. Raya songs. Makes me feel excited!
84. Writing Blogs & Doing Surveys.
85. Long-distance calls. Rinduuuuu! 
86. Girls Night Out / Girls Day Out.
87. Creative arts.
88. Fine Dining.
89. Kebaya-s & Batik-s
90. Beautiful Weddings
91. Lotion and Scented Candles.
92. Piano Pieces. 
93. Home Decorations.
94. Good Conversation. 
95. Good cup of hot chocolate.
96. Makan late night. After Supper. Selagi tak tido, makan je keja. Hish!
97. Strawberries with chocolate-dip & chocolate fondue.
98. Movie Marathon.
99. Instead of sleeping, end up talking to my sis on the bed till wee hours. Fun, I MISS!
100. Falling In LOVE.